Jimmy Neutron Wiki
The Feud
The Feud (Title Card)
The title card for The Feud.
Episode 13b
Season 2
Airdate (US) March 10, 2004 (as part of Jimmy Neutron-A-Thon!)
Invention(s) Crabgrass accelerator
Previous The Great Egg Heist
Next Out, Darn Spotlight

"The Feud" is the second segment of the 13th episode in season 2 of The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius.


The episode starts with Jimmy and Carl playing basketball. Then, Hugh walks out of the house knowing everything is fine, until he spots crabgrass on his lawn. Ebenezer Wheezer then shows up trimming the bushes, and Hugh reminds him that he needs to return his lawn lopper. Ebenezer thinks he had returned it weeks ago. Hugh, however, doesn't believe him and attempts to go into his garage, but they then argue with each other about whether or not it had been returned and insult one another over it. Eventually, they start insulting each other's lawn decorations, and while Ebenezer insults Sir Quacksalot, he accidentally breaks him. As a result, they become sworn enemies and Jimmy and Carl are separated from each other as their fathers don't want to be involved in anything having to do with each other.

Jimmy tries to find a way to play with Carl without having to go to the Wheezers' home. So, he plays a holographic game of StarToad with him. Unfortunately, Hugh finds out about this and forces Carl to leave the game. Hugh reminds Jimmy that he is not allowed to be with Carl anymore due to the feud and tells him that he will make more "non-wheezer" friends. Jimmy tells him that he will eventually use one of his inventions to get around the feud, but Hugh, selfishly wanting the feud to last forever, boards up Jimmy's lab and confiscates his inventions.

The next morning at breakfast, a dejected Jimmy complains to his mother about the feud and that something must be done about it. His mother agrees with him, and as a peace offering to the Wheezers, she baked a brambleberry pie. Both Jimmy and Judy are confident that the plan will work. Jimmy then finds Sheen in the cabinet when he is putting his cereal box back in it. Jimmy questions why he was there, and Sheen replies that he wanted to bring him and Carl back together through his exclusive "Reach Out and Touch A Friend" program. Jimmy asks about it, and Sheen explains to him that he will secretly send messages to both him and Carl for $4 a month. Jimmy tells him that the plan isn't necessary, as Judy will be resolving the conflict with her pie. However, they hear Ebenezer screaming and run to the Wheezer's to see what's going on.

At the Wheezers, Ebenezer has a horrible itch on his back caused by a rash, which is his allergy to brambleberry pie, something Mrs. Neutron was unaware of. Martha Wheezer accuses Judy of trying to harm her husband on purpose, and as a result, they start to argue and loathe each, making the feud even worse as Judy tells Jimmy to never mention the name Carl ever again. Since Judy's plan backfired, Jimmy tells Sheen to make a secret get-together with Carl. Sheen agrees, making it in the style of a Mexican-Bandito theme.

The three friends get together and discuss the new plan. Jimmy asks for the components Carl and Sheen were told to bring, a gyro motion top and a crazy loopy straw respectively. Although Hugh took away all of Jimmy's inventions, he forgot about Goddard, and combines the two components with extra parts from Goddard in order to make his Crabgrass Accelerator. Carl reminds Jimmy that Hugh and Ebenezer hate crabgrass, but Jimmy explains that it's part of the plan. The two hate crabgrass so much that they'd have no choice but to work together to save their lawns and end the feud.

They go back to the neighborhood and start to set up the plan. Jimmy zaps the Wheezers' lawn and crabgrass grows all over it. They do the same thing to the Neutron's house, and it is also covered in crabgrass. Both Hugh and Ebenezer notice the crabgrass outbreak but once again blame each other for it. Jimmy interrupts their argument and tells them to work together. However, Hugh and Ebenezer still hate each other so much that they refuse to do so. Carl, frustrated by the plan's failure and not wanting his friendship with Jimmy to end, tries to grow more crabgrass, even while Jimmy warns him not to.

The crabgrass then grows into giant claw-like plant monsters, which Jimmy explains has been caused by a mutagenic growth cycle that has now gone out of control. The monstrous plants grab the trio and attack them. Luckily, Hugh and Ebenezer Walk out frightened by the view and must now kill the monsters. Hugh starts killing some of the monsters with one of Jimmy's inventions: a light sword. Another set of plant monsters grow and Ebenezer starts spraying some of them with his weed spray. They continue fighting and killing the plant monsters until they bump into one another and are about to begin insulting each other again, but when they see their sons being attacked, they finally decide to team up and work together. Hugh and Ebenezer kill all of the plant monsters and Jimmy, Carl, and Sheen are freed.

Jimmy and Carl's mothers are glad that their sons are both okay. Carl asks his Mom if the feud is over and that he and Jimmy can be friends again. Everyone agrees that while the Neutrons and the Wheezers have each others' differences, they will have to accept them for their children's sake. Despite this, Hugh and Ebenezer still won't get over the missing lawn lopper, so they argue once again, only to get hit on their heads by Judy and Martha with brooms, finally prompting them to stop. Sheen then remembers that Sam at the Candy Bar paid him to send a message to Hugh in the style of a festive polka theme. Through Sheen's message, it's revealed Sam had Hugh's lawn lopper the whole time because Hugh had loaned it to him which immediately fills Hugh with guilt and embarrassment for starting a feud with Carl's family over nothing. Everyone glares at him for putting them through the whole ordeal because of a misunderstanding, before they, along with Hugh, turn and glare at Sheen since they also now realize that Sheen could’ve prevented the feud if he had delivered Sam’s message sooner and that everything they went through only happened because he didn’t. When he finishes singing, Sheen demands 4 bucks. The Neutrons and the Wheezers become furious with Sheen for not delivering this message earlier and they all start to advance on him, ready to beat him up. 

Home Media[]



  • The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron, Boy Genius: Season 2


Hugh: Duck lover? Why... (Judy and Martha get angry at their husbands and then attack them with brooms)
Judy: Hugh!
Ebenezer: Cut it! Ow, my scapula!
Hugh: Okay, okay!
Sheen: Ah, I just remembered! Sam at the Candy Bar paid me to send a message to Mr. Neutron, and he's chosen a festive polka theme! (sings and yodels): Thanks for lending me your lawn lopper. (Hugh is now filled with guilt after remembering Sam had his lawn lopper while looking at Ebenezer) I'll return it in the next few days. (the Neutrons and Wheezers go bewildered then glare at Hugh for his mistake before glaring at Sheen, finishes): That'll be four bucks, please.
Judy, Martha, Carl, and Jimmy: (all angry) Sheen!
Sheen: (nervously) Of course, we could discuss a preferred customer discount?
Hugh: Sweet leaping… CRABGRASS!!!


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  • This and "The Great Egg Heist" are the third episodes shown in the marathon, Jimmy Neutron-A-Thon! when they first premiered.
  • The title card is in the style of the Richard Dawson era of the TV game show Family Feud
  • It is revealed in this episode that Ebenezer collects cats just as much as Hugh collects ducks.
  • This is the only episode where someone else does the scapula gag. In this case, it was Carl’s father.
  • This is the first time Hugh got mad.
  • This is the only episode where Hugh, Jimmy's father, doesn't approve of Jimmy inventing anything, presumably to make the now-former feud with the Wheezers last forever.
  • When Jimmy planted the crabgrass in his and Carl's yard, both father's saw their sons hanging together. Despite the fact earlier in the episode both boys were barred from seeing each other, it's likely the fathers' didn't seem to care that they were together.
  • Cindy and Libby don't appear in this episode.
  • The message Sheen sings to Hugh is to the tune of "Lonely Goatherd" from the musical The Sound of Music
  • Surprisingly, Sheen is the hidden main antagonist in the episode (even though he forgot to give out the message to Hugh about the lawn lopper in the first place).
  • In this episode, Sheen and Carl mentioned events from "Normal Boy" and "Jimmy on Ice". 
  • Although this episode was released in 2004, you can actually see "Copyright 2003 Viacom International, Inc." at the end of the credits. This means that the episode was produced in 2003.
  • Hugh and Mr. Wheezer fighting the Crabgrass monsters with a beam sword and weed spray is a reference to Star Wars.

The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius Season 2 episodes
A Beautiful Mine | Sorry, Wrong Era | The Retroville 9 | Grumpy Young Men | Operation: Rescue Jet Fusion | Nightmare in Retroville | Monster Hunt | Jimmy for President | Return of the Nanobots | Holly Jolly Jimmy | Love Potion 976/J | Sheen's Brain | Maternotron Knows Best | Send in the Clones | The Great Egg Heist | The Feud | Out, Darn Spotlight | The Junkman Cometh | Foul Bull | The Science Fair Affair | Men at Work | The Mighty Wheezers | Billion Dollar Boy | Win, Lose and Kaboom!