Jimmy Neutron Wiki
The Evil Beneath
Episode 15a
Season 3
Airdate (US) January 26, 2006
Airdate (CA) April 21, 2005
Previous The Trouble with Clones
Next Carl Wheezer, Boy Genius

"The Evil Beneath" is the first half of the fifteenth episode of season three. 


Carl and Sheen are hanging out at the Neutron-residence with Jimmy -- the trio's watching TV, which is showing a special about the Bahama Quadrangle. A lot of weird things have happened in the Bahama Quadrangle, with the latest story being about a newlywed couple that disappeared there during a bad storm. Carl and Sheen are obviously freaked out by the story, but Jimmy clearly doesn't believe any of it, arguing that all the weird things that happened in the Bahama Quadrangle could have perfectly logical explanations -- Jimmy also brings up how Sydney Moist, one of his favorite scientists, used to conduct his research in the Bahama Quadrangle. When Carl and Sheen express confusion at Jimmy using the past tense, Jimmy admits that Dr. Moist had disappeared at some point. Carl and Sheen consider this proof that the Bahama Quadrangle is haunted, but Jimmy, still not believing, decides to take himself and his friends to the Bahama Quadrangle to figure out if the place really is haunted.

After arriving at area of where Dr. Moist disappeared and consuming some air gum, the boys dive down into the ocean and start investigating. They're eventually sucked up into a whirlpool and are eventually transported into what appears to be a kelp processing plant. The boys are eventually confronted by none other than Sydney Moist -- Jimmy's surprised to meet Dr. Moist in person, as he had been reported dead quite some time ago.

Dr. Moist summons some algae-based manservants and serves the boys some dinner -- but then it turns out that the algae he served to the boys is some experimental algae that will mutate them into Algae Men. As it would seem, Dr. Moist thinks that anyone who comes through the Bahama Quadrangle is a spy and he turns them into his monstrous Algae Men, which would explain all the weird happenings in the Bahama Quadrangle (although Jimmy goes out of his way to point out to his friends that he was technically correct in that it wasn't anything supernatural).

The boys are able to eventually able to get the antidote to cure themselves of Dr. Moist's mutant algae and are able to trap him with his ever-expanding Algae Men (thanks to some clever thinking on Jimmy's part). They make it to Jimmy's hovercraft safely, but then another mysterious fog rolls in -- in the foggy clouds, they see/hear some unknown creatures with glowing red eyes inhabiting it -- Jimmy asks his friends that this mystery can be solved another day, which they agree to. With that, the boys scream and get out of the area.

Home Media[]



  • The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron, Boy Genius: Season 3


Dr. Moist: "Yes, but I have the antidote." (drinks it) "Oh, that is good antidote!"


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  • The episode "The Evil Beneath"/"Carl Wheezer, Boy Genius" premiered in the U.S. as the fourth episode of the 5 New Jimmys marathon event in January 2006.[1]
  • The Bahama Quadrangle is a parody of the Bermuda Triangle, which is a loosely defined region in the western part of the North Atlantic Ocean where a number of aircraft and ships are said to have disappeared under mysterious circumstances.
  • The show that Jimmy, Carl and Sheen watch in the beginning of the episode is called Mysterious Mysteries. This resembles a very similar show on Invader Zim that Dib watches called Mysterious Mysteries of Strange Mystery. Coincidentally, Jimmy and Dib both have big heads.
  • Fourth Wall Break: After Jimmy said, "Granted, he's a little eccentric.", he looks straight at the camera and points to the right to make it pan to Sheen.
  • Cindy, Libby, Hugh, Judy, and Goddard don't appear in this episode.
  • This and "Carl Wheezer, Boy Genius" are the only episodes that only feature Jimmy, Carl, and Sheen. Coincidentally, they are paired together.
  • The running gag of this episode is Sheen calling Dr. Moist crazy in different ways. For example, at the dinner table, when Jimmy said Dr. Moist is a little eccentric, Sheen goes: "A little eccentric?! The man is crazier than a sack full of spider monkeys!"
  • Although this episode was released in 2006, you can actually see "Copyright 2003 Viacom International, Inc." at the end of the credits. This means that the episode was produced in 2003.


  1. The 5 New Jimmys event at the Nickstory fandom.

The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius: Season 3
Attack of the Twonkies (movie) | Lights! Camera! Danger! | Fundemonium | Stranded | Jimmy Goes to College | The N-Men | The Tomorrow Boys | My Big Fat Spy Wedding | Who's Your Mommy | Clash of the Cousins | Crouching Jimmy, Hidden Sheen | The Incredible Shrinking Town | One of Us | Vanishing Act | The Trouble with Clones | The Evil Beneath | Carl Wheezer, Boy Genius | Who Framed Jimmy Neutron? | Flippy | King of Mars | El Magnifico | Best in Show | How to Sink a Sub | Lady Sings the News | The League of Villains (movie)