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Krunch Time

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The following is a transcript of the episode: Krunch Time

Opening Scene- Jimmy and Carl are in the lab. Jimmy is behind a pane of circular glass holding a notepad. Carl is in a room separate from him, there are two doors in front of Carl, behind one is a block of cheese. Behind the other is a car battery jumper cabled to the door.

Carl: Okay I– maybe I- no I just, or aah.

Jimmy: Come on Carl you’ve done this seventy-six times. Now which door has the cheese behind it?

Carl: Well I… can I have a hand?

Jimmy: No Carl this is a memory experiment. Now, remember you want the cheese.

Carl: Want the cheese. Okay.

He turns to the door.

Carl: Eeny, meeny, miny-

He selects door number one; it was a mistake. He’s flung off the ground as he screams in misery. Jimmy shields his eyes from the view with his clipboard. When he looks back Carl is looking at the ground disheartened. Electricity racing up and down his body. He’s covered in soot. He twitches with aftershocks of the electricity. Sheen runs up to the door from elsewhere in the lab.

Sheen: M-m-my turn! my turn! I wanna touch the shock-y door again!

Jimmy: -Sigh- No let’s just take a break guys! Hey how ‘bout a trip to the candy bar?

Carl: Okay but I’m not touching any doors

Jimmy: Come on, my treat.

Carl follows Jimmy out and Sheen was about to, but he then stops backs up and touches the doorknob, being flung into the air with electricity.

At the candy bar, Sam is tapping his fingers on the counter, he’s got his head rested on his other hand as he waits.

Sheen: Do I want something gummy or crunchy.

Carl: Uh I want sour. No! salty! No! -pant- I-I don’t know which one to choose!

Sam: Oh the suspense is killing me, pick a candy and let me get on with my life, yeah, yeah!

He shoves a random jar of sweets in Carl’s face, Carl shrinks behind the counter away from him

Sheen: I wish there was a candy that had all the best tastes

Carl starts to sway side to side as he speaks.

Carl: Yeah, it’d be sweet and sour and nutty and gummy and creamy and Donner and Blitzen!

Jimmy: A mega candy huh? I can invent that! Come on, guys!

Sam: Yeah make your fancy candy. You’ll be back! They all come back.

He starts to rap his fingers on the counter again.

Sam: Oh I hope they come back -sniff-.

Scene change- in the Neutron lab Jimmy has vials of concentrated flavor all lined up in rows.

Jimmy: No one’s ever managed to create a candy that maximizes the use of every one of the tongues pleasure receptors! Until today!

Sheen runs up to Jimmy and snatches the vial of green goo out of his hand. He sniffs it about to chug it

Jimmy: Don’t Sheen that’s concentrated essence of sour!

Sheen: Don’t worry Jimmy they haven’t invented the sour that’s too sour for the Sheen!

He chugs some and he sucks half of his face into his mouth his eyes are twitching.

Sheen: -Strained- I stand corrected.

The tubes of flavor are hooked up to a musical device that plays a number of keys and then the liquid is drained into the microwave below. It dings as it opens purple mist wafting from the candy.

Carl and Sheen each grab one. They start chewing at first making noises of agreement with the flavor, before frowning and going to spit it out.

Later they try another batch they start out liking it even giving Jimmy thumbs up, but then the candy makes them grow thick luscious beards.

Later the microwave opens again with purple mist, and with some apprehension, Carl and Sheen try the new batch. Jimmy is watching them carefully. They blow fire, when the camera cuts back to them they are covered in soot again.

Carl: Ah- Jimmy um look I-I don’t want to say that was the worst thing I ever tasted in my life.

Sheen is gagging next to him.

Carl: But that was the worst thing I ever tasted in my life; okay I said it.

Jimmy: Well don’t you worry I’m not quitting! I’m going to keep at it if takes all night.

Carl and Sheen share a glance.

Carl: Oh, gee look at the time I-I got to go to the big exciting… thing.

Sheen: Uh, yeah, yeah and Ultra Lord's on in two hours which gives me just enough time to get into my costume. See you Jimmy bye!

When Sheen said two, he held up three fingers, and when he was talking, he was shuffling to the side. The last part he says all at once and as he runs out the lab.

It’s night and Jimmy has been working for hours, he’s mixing vials independently from the machine, the essences go down the tubes, his rooster clock turns faster, and faster implying hours and hours have passed.

Jimmy: -Yawn- just one more try.

The bright color liquids all flush down the tubes and into the microwave base. Night passes and the next morning Jimmy is asleep at a table in his lab. His watch starts to rapidly beep jolting him awake. He opens it and a video feed of his mother calling up from the foot of the stairs is displayed.

Judy: Jimmy! Wake up! Time for school.

Jimmy: Better activate bedroom android.

Jimmy hits a button on his watch displays the text “Jimmy Android Activate”.

Judy opens the door to Jimmy’s room and a scary-looking android snaps up from its resting position and opens its mouth it starts to move as if it’s a twisted puppet trying to emulate human patterns.

Android Jimmy: Morning mom! Be down in a minute! I love you! You’re the best mom in the world!

Judy looks at the android and its dull red pupils oddly for a second from the door, but she eventually decides to walk away. The android begins to spark after she leaves, and it falls prone half of its face slack and broken.

Back in the lab, Jimmy is running the candy maker one more time.

Jimmy: Hope this batch is a good one.

He dumps them all in a paper bag.

Scene change- Libby is at the front of the classroom holding two CD’s one has an image of clouds and fancy scrawling letters with a black and white image of a man in a powdered wig on it. And the other is a ‘J’ with legs and arms singing passionately into a mic, it is standing in front of a brick wall.

Libby: -and now I will demonstrate the baroque period's influence on today's music by comparing Bach’s air on a G-string to Jammy J’s Stank dis bad than up!

She presses play on the music and starts dancing. Jimmy tries to covertly get his friends' attention.

Jimmy: Psst guys, guys, I made one more last batch we can try ‘em at lunch!

Miss Fowl somehow hears the slight crunching of the paper bag over Libby’s music, which Libby is still vibing to.

Miss Fowl: Who is making that noise? It sounds like candy inside a paper bag!

Jimmy is smiling as he talks to Carl and Sheen.

Miss Fowl: Jimmy! I hope you brought enough treats for the entire class.

Jimmy: Well not exactly I-

Everyone corals around his desk and starts shouting demand some, a few kids are saying please but it’s a token effort as very quickly everyone starts to snatch some. The candies are round purple spheres about as big as a bouncy ball with yellow bumps all around it

Jimmy: H-hey- hey!

Everyone tries it and makes a satisfied noise in unison.

Libby: Mm! My taste buds just went to heaven with a side trip to paradise.

Libby slumps back in her seat as she’s talking.

Cindy: I guess they’re okay if you like sugary tangy crunchy -gasp- oh who am I kidding? They’re delicious!

In the back of the classroom, Nick is leaning back in his chair grinning.

Nick: Yeah, these are as cool as… me.

Jimmy is holding a candy, he examines it before going to eat it, Miss Fowl rudely takes it away from him.

Miss Fowl: Oh, don’t mind if I do!

Jimmy looks at her dumbfounded while Miss Fowl hmms as she eats it. She jumps up in joy.

Miss Fowl: Yowza! Jimmy, you were born to make Ca-ANDY!

Jimmy looks around at everyone’s happy expressions and smiles proud of his accomplishment.

Scene Change- Jimmy’s stand is set up and making more candy, the purple smoke taking up the microwave, and collecting into the candy forms.

Jimmy: Batch number two is on its way.

Jimmy’s watch starts to go off, he opens it and a feed of his mother looking into his bedroom camera is playing on his watch.

Judy: James Neutron! Go to bed right now! And I mean you, not the Jimmy android that says nice things!

She even points at the camera for emphasis to make sure he gets the points.

Jimmy: Boy moms are smart, good night, Goddard.
Later, its nighttime all the lights in the Neutron household are out. Jimmy is sleeping peacefully before his bedroom door opens with a creak. The noise jolts him awake and he stares at the intruder in shock.

Jimmy: Aah! Gah geh.

Sheen and Carl are standing over Jimmy’s bed, Sheen is grinning eerily while Carl is frowning.

Jimmy: Sheen? Carl? What are you doing? It’s two o’clock in the morning.

Sheen: We just happened to be in the neighborhood.

Carl’s hand is twitching.

Carl: Yeah, uh you uh you uh got any c-c-c-candy?

Jimmy: I’m making some now. But I told you it takes a while. You have to neutralize the sugar and pectin during the gestation period an-

Sheen: How long!

Jimmy jumps back in shock shielding himself from the lunging Sheen.

Jimmy: A-ah-about three hours!

Sheen walks over to Jimmy’s window and lifts it open; he pokes his head outside it and starts looking around.

Sheen: Three hours!

There are groans and whines heard from outside. Jimmy taps Sheen and moves to the window.

Jimmy: Who are you talking to?

He peaks his head out and is greeted to the sight of his entire class on the driveway.

Libby: I’ll give you every CD in my collection if you give me more candy!!!

Butch: I’ll sign an exclusive binding contract to never bully you again!

Cindy: I’ll proclaim your intellectual superiority in the public forum of your choosing!

Jimmy shakes his head backing up in shock. Carl and Sheen are on their knees in Jimmy’s room panting like dogs.

Sheen: Want me to roll over?

Jimmy: Hm, the candy’s so perfect it seems to have created a physiological need in people. Hahahaha let the exploitation begin!

Scene change- Jimmy is on a porch being pampered to by Brittany, Amber, and Principal Willoughby. Brittany is filing his nails, Amber is holding a glass of purple Flurp with a straw up to him, and the principal is fanning him with a leaf. He tosses a candy in the principal’s mouth.

Later he’s standing on the teacher’s desk at school and Miss Fowl is on her knees begging like a dog as he holds a piece up to her.

In the lunchroom later he is tossing tons of the candy around as he stands on the table and walks between cheering clambering students who are grasping for more candy.

Cindy and Libby are escorting him down the school steps gigantic grins on their faces. Jimmy pulls out a single candy.

Jimmy: Last piece for today! Who wants it?

He tosses it up in the air. They start squabbling fighting on the ground for it, Jimmy’s grin rapidly disappears as fear replaced it at their actions.

He nearly bumps into Kevin, Wendall, and Butch, they’re groaning like zombies. Jimmy turns to the other side of the sidewalk, but he’s blocked in by Ike, Carl, and Sheen. Trying to go back towards the school he’s blocked by Cindy and Libby, trying to go forward more students block his path groaning like zombies their hands outstretched as they wordlessly demand more.

Jimmy: Ah ha ha that was uh all I brought no more ti-til uh tomorrow!

He runs out of the school courtyard and all the way home once there he leans back on the front door panting and wheezing.

Jimmy: -Pant- Mom! -Pant- Dad I think we have a situation!

Judy: -Shrieking- it’s mine!

Hugh: Gah I saw it first!

In the living room, Hugh and Judy are fighting over one of the pieces of candy. They both are holding it wrestling back and forth each trying to get an upper hand on the other.

Judy: Don’t make me hurt you!

Judy ends up with the candy and ends up licking her hands like a cat to get the residue of the candy. Hugh notices Jimmy and starts to shuffle towards him.

Hugh: Oh, hi Jimbo-eh we’re not doing anything unusual, just -pant- usual mommy and daddy stuff.

Judy: Stop beating around the bush! We want candy now!

Jimmy who’d been leaning against the door the entire time shaking with fear looks even more horrified.

Jimmy: Oh no not you too!

Later Jimmy is in his lab, the section that drains off into the sewer, he pushes his tub of candy over to the edge and dumps them all in with a smile.

Jimmy: There that’s the last of it, goodbye and good riddance!

Jimmy is flying over town with his rocket later a megaphone in hand.

Jimmy: Attention RetroVille there’s no more candy, and I will not be making any more. Thank you!

He lands in his yard and hops out of the rocket with Goddard a self-assured grin on his face.

Jimmy: No more candy, no more problems. What are they going to do, riot?

Crowd: Down with Jimmy! Down with Jimmy! Down with Jimmy! Down with Jimmy!

Almost everyone is gathered in the backyard bombarding Jimmy they have signs saying, “down with Jimmy” and “We want candy now!” both in all caps. While everyone continues to chant Hugh speaks up.

Hugh: I can’t believe I’m saying that about my own son, but that candy is just too darn good!

Judy: Don’t talk! Chant!

Crowd: Down with Jimmy! Down with Jimmy! Down with Jimmy! Down with Jimmy!

Jimmy: People listen to me! It’s just candy.

Cindy: I say we hold him down and force him to make us more candy!

Hugh: Good idea, go for his tiny legs.

Sheen: Charge!

Cindy: Come on let’s get him!

Sheen: Go!

Jimmy: Goddard chopper mode!

Judy: Oh no you don’t mister! Grab him! Get him right now! pull him down!

Jimmy narrowly avoids being yoinked as Goddard flies him away, everyone is continuing to shout and yell at Jimmy demanding candy.

Jimmy: Goddard! plot a course for the most deserted place in town!

They touch down in the candy bar parking lot, Jimmy shoots Goddard a look as he runs into the candy bar. The interior is empty, its checkerboard floor shadowed in the afternoon light, and the retro styles chairs gleaming in the sunlight. Sam is the only one in the candy bar.

Sam: Well, look who’s here! Mr. I’m-gonna-invent-the-best-candy-in-the-world-and-put-the-candy-bar-outta-business!

Jimmy: Aw Sam I-I didn’t mean too I didn’t know my candy would be that popular!

Sam: Ha! That’s what the guy who invented underpants said! Anyway, you better skedaddle that angry mobs going to be here any minute.

Jimmy: How do you know that?

Sam: I called them! What did you expect? I’m going broke here!

Sam hits the counter again his lonely candies jumping up at the motion.

Crowd: Candy! Candy! Candy! Candy! Candy!

Sam: Uh-oh rhythmic chanting, that’s a bad sign yeah.

Everyone is still chanting in the background.

Jimmy: Oh, what am I going to do? Think, think, think…

Images of Miss Fowl and Sheen floating in his mind chasing after candy are displayed. And then the memory of Carl reaching for the electric door and screaming out in pain as it zaps him.

Jimmy: Brain blast! Laboratory mice can be trained to avoid actions which cause them pain!

He turns to Sam with a smile.

Jimmy: Sam keep everybody here. Our problems are solved.

Sam walks out the front door of the candy bar to the still chanting citizens.

Sam: Yeah, yeah. Settle down Jimmy’ll be right back. In the meantime, let’s have a little chat with my good friend Professor Handy!

He pulls out his hand which has a face drawn onto it.

Sam: Professor?

Professor Handy: Hello inblecs.

Everybody stops chanting many of them look confused.

Professor Handy: Settle down! Haha.

Scene change- Jimmy is once again flying above town in his rocket.

Jimmy: I have heard your pleas! I give you! An endless supply of the greatest candy in the world!

Everyone starts cheering as Jimmy shoots out candy at them as he flies overhead. Everyone is eagerly snatching them up. They’re shoveling them into their mouths as fast as possible even eating them off of the ground. Then it happens they start to get shocked in the mouth, it starts with Cindy, then Hugh, Nick, Sheen (who’s grinning as it happens) and Judy. Soon everyone is being shocked as they cry out in pain.

Cindy: Ah-ow

Hugh: Ow!

Nick: OH!

Judy: Ah!

Nick: Oh man!

Libby: Hey

Hugh: I love it! Ow! I hate it!

Jimmy is still flying over them all just able hear all of his friends and family cry out in pain.

Jimmy: I knew some day I’d find a use for the edible shock ray. Shouldn’t be much longer before they’re all sick of the stuff.

Later Jimmy is at school sitting on the steps when Carl approaches him.

Carl: Hey Jim, you know all the garbage cans in town are filled with your candy?

Jimmy: I know isn’t it great! Looks like everyone in RetroVille is back to normal!

Sheen walks up to them covered in soot.

Sheen: -Smacks lips- Hey Jimmy that last batch was delicious! -zap- Also incredibly painful! -zap- Hey do you guys smell smoke? -zap- I can’t feel my face! -zap- How come everything looks Blue! -zap-

As Sheen walks away Jimmy and Carl look at each other concerned and confused.

End Card.
